Have you ever had someone say just the right thing at just the right time? Offer you game-changing advice that made a massive difference in your business and maybe even in your personal life?
Maybe it was when you first started out, and your coach was helping you lay the foundation for what turned out to be long-term success. Maybe it was when you were trying to get to the next level, and your coach helped you make that seemingly insurmountable leap. Whenever, wherever and whatever it was, here’s the best coaching advice you ever received.
- Show up every day. Even if you don’t feel like it. Show up.
- When hiring team members, have them take the Disc test. For example, hiring a marketing manager whose “accuracy” was barely off the horizontal bar cost me so much frustration with always delivering errors. Painful.
- The middle innings are where most games are won or lost. Excitement at the beginning, nearing the finish line at the end with adrenaline. The same is true in real estate.
- ACT = SUCCESS: Action + Consistency + Time = Success
- Start reflecting on your big why until you get to your little why. Make choices every day based on your little why.
- Listen. Have true conversations that build connections. Ten percent talking and 90 percent listening is about right.
- Don’t run away from what makes you different.
- Just do something every day!
Now it’s your turn. Weigh in below in the comments.