Bill Storm talked about anticipating that things will go wrong and putting energy into where you want results, at the Inman Connect Now virtual event.

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For Tony Robbins trainer Bill Storm, the basis for all success is one specific thing: Creating “an unshakeable mindset” that allows you to produce results no matter what.

Storm explained how to do just that on the Inman Connect Now virtual stage Thursday in a session called, “Tony Robbins Mindset Training For Real Estate Professionals.”

“People that are able to create an unshakeable mindset actually seem to do better during times of adversity than they do when things are going along OK,” Storm told attendees. “Some people are just like that. They need a little bit of fire under their butt in order to make things happen.”

Storm got started in real estate investing in 1998, and his dad is a broker in upstate New York. But Storm started out working as a janitor during the day and a martial arts instructor at night when he was 17 years old in 1987. That year, his boss attended one of Robbins’ events, changed the culture of the business and urged him to follow what Robbins had to say.

Storm learned that you have to condition your mind for success on a daily basis to deal with challenges.

“Every single day, take 10 to 15 minutes and listen to something like this, like Tony’s material and embed this into your mind every single day because the thoughts that fire together, wire together,” Storm said.

“You create these neural pathways in your brain, and whatever you put in is what’s going to get stronger. So if you can do one thing that’s going to help you succeed during any kind of market, whether it’s an up market or a down market or whatever challenges come your way, condition your mind so that you have that mindset so that you can succeed and you can literally crush it no matter what obstacle that you face.”

Robbins’ mentor was sales trainer Jim Rohn, whom Storm said had “a psychology for winning in life.”

“Jim said if you want to have more, you have to become more for things to change,” Storm said.

“You have to change. For things to get better, you have to become better because if you improve, everything will improve for you. If you grow, your money will grow, your relationships will grow, your health will improve, your business and every external effect will mirror that growth in equal correlation.”

While it can be easy to blame others when things aren’t going your way, especially in real estate when a dozen people can have their hands on a deal, Storm said people with an unshakeable mindset anticipate that things will go wrong.

“It’s not a surprise to them,” he said. “They condition their mind so that they can succeed no matter what. They just kind of take that as part of the game.”

He told attendees that success cannot be attained passively, and he said to write this down: “Where attention goes, energy flows, and results always show.”

That mantra applies to all aspects of life, whether it’s in health, relationships or real estate.

“If you want more listings, well, it’s not going to happen by accident or by osmosis, right?” Storm said. “It’s not going to happen by hanging out at the watercooler talking about all the market problems. You got to put some attention there, into creating more relationships because the more relationships you develop, the more people know you as that go-to guy or gal in real estate, the more listings you’re gonna get.”

According to Storm, “energy is the basis of all transformation” and one quick way to boost your energy and confidence is to adopt a “superhero pose” or “power pose.” This involves standing up, making fists, putting them at your hips, and putting your shoulders back.

“You’re gonna look up into the sky, like you are a complete badass right now,” Storm said. “I mean, you could literally stop the train bullets would bounce off of you, you are completely unstoppable in the real estate world. You can do anything and nobody can stop you.”

He told attendees that, according to Robbins, success and failure come down to personal belief systems.

“That’s the big domino, the one that trumps them all, because all human behavior is belief-driven,” Storm said.

“In every action, there’s a belief and how you feel about any given subject is going to determine your thoughts, and then those thoughts are going to influence your decisions. And then those decisions are going to determine your actions or lack thereof, which is ultimately going to determine your results.”

“You literally have the opportunity right now to change the course of your entire life by identifying what those beliefs, patterns, and habits are, and choosing to make different ones,” he added.

Email Andrea V. Brambila.

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