This week, Byron Lazine and Nicole White welcome Tom Ferry to discuss the housing bubble talk, home affordability and marketing.

Byron Lazine and Nicole White are two agents in Connecticut who give us their thoughts on the week’s news every Friday in “The Real Word,” a weekly video column on Inman.

Byron Lazine and Nicole White spoke with Tom Ferry about an Inman article that outlines how talk of a market bubble may be scaring builders away from new construction starts. Ferry said that while he understands the way in which discussions can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, there are too many millennials in the market for a bubble to actually occur.

The uncertainty around interest rates, banking and the political landscape breed anxiety, and the best thing a real estate agent can do is talk about it head-on and contrast fear-mongering headlines with other data points.

Next, Lazine, White and Ferry discussed a Wall Street Journal article about the Biden administration’s efforts to address the housing shortage with an affordable housing plan. Ferry said agents should be reading multiple perspectives from across the political spectrum.

Agents have a fiduciary duty to help all of their clients, and they should keep any specific political leanings out of their thinking.

“Housing is too fundamentally important to get hung up on” one or two specific political issues, Ferry said.

Marketeer of the Week

Ferry selected two Marketeers: Compass team leader Lydia Gable who said that seller seminars are working well for her, allowing her to be the educator in her market. Lazine loves the content potential of the resulting footage for social media marketing.

Next was Ferry’s Growth Mastermind and their discussion of mega open houses with direct mail, door-knocking and banner ads inviting neighbors to lunch at the property. Add a QR code for mandatory registration at the open house, grab the attendee’s information, and follow up with a personal BombBomb video message.

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