
Pulse: What’s your top tip for investors?

Property investors rode a wild wave during the pandemic, with the short-term rental market stopping, then restarting, and property prices in many second home markets soaring. What does the future hold for new second-home owners and for managers of more robust property portfolios? We’ll explore that and more, all May long, at Inman.

Last week, we asked you to chime in with your tips on helping second-homebuyers purchase getaways in a crazy market. This week, we want to focus the conversation on investors. Whether it’s as a hobby or a way to build a robust portfolio, investors should have a clear understanding of the market, their local economy and what it takes to make the most out of their investment.

What should investors purchasing new properties know? How are you guiding them and setting them up for success in today’s market, especially now that we’re beginning to come out on the other side of the pandemic? What are your top tips?

We’ll compile a list of the top responses and post them on Inman next Tuesday.