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Kenny Truong, Team Leader at eXp , and SparkTank Media’s Jeff Lobb spent 45 minutes at the most Thursday’s Connect Now, Inman’s recurring online real estate industry conference, brainstorming ways to use emerging technologies to better real estate business.


Jeff Lobb | Sparktank Media

“Best Use of New Tech Brainstorm” took off on the topic of Slack, with Truong enthusiastically sharing how his office uses the internal workflow app to perpetuate his office culture, help aspiring agents and share training events.

Lobb followed that up by discussing a product called Descript, a multimedia production tool that can aid content creators in podcasting and video production. And today’s top agents are using both broadcast mediums to build brands and generate leads.

Lobb is no stranger to the actual and online stage, so it’s no surprise that he’s in-tune with ways to amp up media production value. Real estate agents need to be experts in more than market data, from knowing what Zoom backgrounds look best to handling smartphone stabilizers.


Coaching and performance measurement tool Sisu came up in the session, as well.



HighNote is a new web app for presentations and marketing started by Mark Choey of Climb Real Estate. (An Inman review of HighNote is pending publication.)

Kenny Truong

The PointDrive-inspired curation tool makes it easy to bring together an array of business data and creative content and present it to clients via branded websites. The uses are many, from listing promotion to in-house training. It formally launches in early- to mid-Q1, according to Choey. (LinkedIn recently shut down PointDrive, which it acquired in 2016.)

Marketing tools for social media was a popular topic among those in attendance. Lobb was quick to suggest people discover Remove.bg, a free software tool for removing and replacing backgrounds in photos. It’s a useful, simple tool for fun social media posts and email marketing.

Canva isn’t new, Truong pointed out, but his team uses it extensively for listing presentations and business cards. Truong’s team uses Moo, an online printer, to produce cards and flyers.


Lobb then introduced a chat automation software called Roof.ai.

“Roof.ai is not only a chatbot, but it’s a custom campaign delivery tool, and can greet people by first name when they come back to your site,” Lobb said. “It can integrate with your MLS, and actually talk people through what’s important to them, go through a prequalification process, and its doing it all 24-7 while you’re out doing the work.”

Truong’s team uses ReadyChat and recently agreed to work with Ylopo, a conversation tool called Raiya.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe

Craig C. Rowe started in commercial real estate at the dawn of the dot-com boom, helping an array of commercial real estate companies fortify their online presence and analyze internal software decisions. He now helps agents with technology decisions and marketing through reviewing software and tech for Inman.

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