The National Association of Realtors is working on a self-testing program for real estate brokers who want to make sure their agents are complying with fair housing laws, according to Bryan Greene, NAR’s director of fair housing policy.

Greene spoke at the Idea Exchange Council for Brokers Forum at NAR’s annual conference, the Realtors Conference & Expo, on Thursday. The forum took on the topic of housing discrimination and invited Bill Dedman, investigative reporter for Newsday and now a NAR consultant, to speak. Dedman was part of the team behind a groundbreaking, three-year investigation that revealed widespread agent bias against consumers of color on Long Island.

The award-winning investigation, “Long Island Divided,” which included 100 agents at 12 of Long Island’s largest brokerages and 25 trained fair housing pair testers, revealed that, in 86 paired tests, black buyers were discriminated against 49 percent of the time, while Hispanic and Asian buyers were discriminated against 39 percent and 19 percent of the time, respectively. The interactions were videotaped via hidden cameras legally worn by the testers.

Bryan Greene

Greene, who worked at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) before joining NAR a year ago, said the Newsday investigation — which broke three weeks into his tenure at the trade group — sharpened his focus on what he wanted to do at NAR and made him realize that fair housing training needed to be more effective and that people who engaged in steering needed to be held accountable.

In January, NAR debuted its fair housing action plan, dubbed “ACT” for accountability, culture change and training, part of which called for exploring “the creation of a voluntary self-testing program, in partnership with a fair housing organization, as a resource for brokers and others who want confidential reports on agent practices so they can address problems.”

That self-testing program is currently in development, according to NAR.

He added, “We are hopeful that many brokerages will embrace this opportunity.”

NAR is also creating a film, set to be released by the end of the year, showcasing agents and brokers that have made fair housing a priority, according to Greene.

“We do have people who … in the industry have a reputation as leaders on this issue … who can speak compellingly to why fair housing has been a major feature of their company and how they make sure, in the case of brokers, that their companies are living and breathing fair housing,” he said.

“I think hearing from peers is probably the most effective way to convince others that these are best practices they need to adopt.”

Dedman said he thought that New York would likely do more testing and training required by the state, probably paid for by Realtors through some kind of licensing tax.

“We don’t know if any of the agents in New York will be disciplined. That hasn’t come down yet. But focusing on individual agents wasn’t really our focus. But it may be that you’ll see more enforcement,” he said.

Email Andrea V. Brambila.

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