
3 traits agents need to hone to make it in this business

What separates today’s top performers from average agents? If you ask veteran Realtor and team leader Jeff Quintin, it comes down to three simple things: skills, dedication and mindset.

Jeff Quintin

In the podcast below, Quintin explains why these three traits are essential when it comes to finding success in the real estate industry. He also shares practical ways to build sales skills, advice on honing a healthy mindset and more. Listen in to discover what steps you can take to become the perfect sales professional.

Or, for a quick overview of the three things that make up today’s top real estate agents, read on.

1. Sales skills: Know how to sell

Real estate has always been a skill-based business. And now, with all the new types of competition (iBuyers, discount brokerages, etc.) today’s agents face, sales skills are more important than ever. According to Quintin, agents need sales skills to make it; they need to be able to present well, to communicate clearly, to prospect effectively.

But if you don’t possess these skills just yet, don’t panic.

Quintin’s mentored plenty of agents who started out as mediocre salespeople. Many of them later became highly competent conversion machines. The difference between them and the agents who fizzled out was that they were willing to face failure and rejection head on.

The best way to get better at something, including selling, is to just get out there and do it!

2. Dedication: Outwork the competition

Even if your sales skills are lacking now, hard work can get you to the point that you’re able to outperform — and outsell — most agents. But if you’re not willing to outwork the competition, you’ll be fighting an uphill battle.

Quintin believes that long hours and discipline are key, especially in the beginning. Consistently hitting the phones day after day will get you more sales and will make you a better salesperson.

Quintin’s advice is this: Wake up ready for the grind, and face it head on. Each day you’re able to do this is another day you’re doing what many agents won’t.

3. Mindset: Stay positive to stay productive

Committing yourself to the daily grind is easier said than done, and that’s why mindset is so important. Keeping your big-picture goals in mind and staying positive makes it much easier to work hard day after day.

But how do you do that?

For Quintin, it’s all about routine. In the morning, he doesn’t listen to the news or mull over yesterday’s mistakes. He starts his days with positivity and makes plans for accomplishing the goals of the day.

Throughout the day, he celebrates the small wins and takes time to appreciate the good things in his life. And when things do go wrong, he tries to view them as learning opportunities. These simple practices have helped Quintin hone a healthy mindset, a mindset that’s fueled his success for years.

To learn more about what it takes to become a highly successful real estate agent, listen to the full interview with Jeff Quintin.

Pat Hiban sold more than 7,000 homes over the course of his 25-year career in real estate. Now, he dedicates his time to helping others succeed as agents and investors. As host of the Real Estate Rockstars Podcast, Pat interviews real estate experts to explore what works in today’s markets. He also founded Rebus University, an online training platform for real estate agents and sales professionals.