Georgia MLS, which boasts approximately 42,000 subscribers, was hit by ransomware on August 16 that may have resulted in the unauthorized disclosure of subscribers’ login and contact information. The MLS notified its members of the data breach on Thursday, 11 days later.

The breach involved GAMLS’s membership management server, which holds its membership database and stores subscribers’ MLS login details, according to the notification sent to members. The membership server contains each subscriber’s user name, email address, phone number, password for Georgia MLS, real estate license number, and any mailing address the MLS may have on file.

John Ryan, Georgia MLS’s chief marketing officer, told Inman via email that on the afternoon of August 16 an employee detected unusual activity on the server and the MLS believes the breach occurred that day.

Asked why GAMLS members were notified 11 days after the breach, Ryan said, “Our first concern was to mitigate the activity and protect our infrastructure from further intrusion, assess the area the criminals accessed, and gauge the effect on our operations. We wanted to fully understand the extent of the breach so we could make an informed statement to our members.”

Partial screen shot of Georgia MLS’s data breach notification to subscribers, August 27, 2020

Asked why Georgia MLS will not require a forced password change and whether the MLS had enough staff to cover agent call volume for a forced password change, the MLS declined to comment.

“Georgia MLS takes the role of safe guarding our member’s data in the uppermost regard. Whether it is personal information, or listing data contained in our platforms, we will be vigilant in protecting our members against the attacks of cyber criminals,” Ryan said.

Georgia MLS is not the first MLS to be hacked. On June 11, 2019, MetroList, the largest MLS in Northern California, was hit by a cyberattack and allegedly paid a $10,000 ransom to free itself. MetroList informed its members of the attack the same day it happened.

According to Ryan, Georgia MLS was able to free itself without paying a ransom.

“It was a ransomware attack, but through our recovery protocols no contact was made, nor any money paid out,” he said.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated with an additional comment from Georgia MLS stating the company did not pay a ransom.

Email Andrea V. Brambila.
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