In today’s virtual, work-from-home environment, agents are seeking training and coaching in entirely new ways. In August, we’re laser-focused on what defines good coaching today and how to get the most out of it.

Pulse is a recurring column where we ask for readers’ takes on varying topics in a weekly survey and report back with our findings.

Last week, we asked our readers to share the best piece of career (or life, for that matter) advice they’ve ever heard from a mentor, friend, colleague or even someone like a social media guru or a real estate coach.

Because we all have those sayings that are deeply embedded in our minds, that we keep coming back to and repeating to ourselves. And the truth is, we could all use some nuggets of wisdom right now, something that might, in a small or big way, help us navigate through today’s challenges.

So, without further ado, here’s what you shared with us. If you’re looking for even more gems, take a look at this list of quotes we compiled from real estate coaches who know a thing or two about motivation, determination and perseverance.

  • The more you listen to people, the smarter they think you are.
  • Those who list, last.
  • Assume good intent, and respond with grace. A previous manager told our team to do this always because you just never know what other people are dealing with at the time they say or do something. That person could honestly be doing or saying something that they think is helpful, but in their struggle with other issues in their life, it comes out wrong. So, always assume that person has good intent, and take a breath before responding to think about where they’re coming from and what they may actually be trying to accomplish.
  • In 1980, I started working at a real estate office in a “changing” area. At an office meeting, the broker told us we need to focus on one thing, and we would keep ourselves out of trouble: “The only color you see is green.” I never forgot that pearl of wisdom, treated each and every client the same, and focused on making the sale or rental. Green is my favorite color on closing day!
  • A home properly priced is half-sold.
  • Pick up the phone!
  • Just do it right the first time. That’s my mother’s advice. If you know you did it right the first time, you can move on to the next task with no looking back.
  • Follow up until they buy or die. One old truism is that the fortune is truly in the follow-up. I’ve had buyers and sellers contact me years after our initial contact just because I’ve stayed in touch with them via some “drip” programs I use.
  • Listen carefully.
  • Do your best, because that is the best you can do!
  • Life isn’t fair. Don’t wait to chase your dreams until it is.
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