
Keeping It Real: What’s next in 2020?


On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer talks about coming together during a time of need and delving back into work post-Fourth of July.

This week, I want to talk about the rest of 2020 and what I’m going to do on July 6 to create change, pour myself out for others and keeping pushing forward. 

I’ll have a great time with family and friends celebrating the independence of this fabulous country that I’m immensely grateful for. And then, on Monday morning, I’ll rise out of bed, plant my feet on the ground and begin

This should go for anyone in business, really. However, it’s especially true for those in real estate and finance. Yes, we have to take precautions, and we must be safe. But we can do all that and still work our asses off. It’s not just a matter of can, it’s a matter of must

So, on July 6, I’m kicking it into high gear. I’m going to do my bit and work to be of service to anyone who crosses my path.

Which is what this business truly comes down to — people. It’s not about slinging houses and closed listings. Although those things are a product of what we do, and we enjoy them, they’re not the meat of it. They’re not the foundation.

The foundation is people. And trust. And now, more than ever, we know we need our people.

Dinner really does taste better with friends, so we must come together. We must peer into the eyes of those around us and charge together toward a common goal of unity and giving.

Hold a beautiful thought. Make it your goal. Share what you have. Help someone else. We’re all in this together. Listen in to this podcast for more.

Peter Lorimer is the CEO of Beverly Hills, California-based PLG Estates.