
Pulse: What book should be on every agent’s summer reading list?

Virtual open houses, digital closings, conversations from behind face masks — what productivity looks like for real estate agents this summer covers new terrain for all of us. All June, Inman surveys the New Productivity: the tools, skills and insights needed to make it work now.

Pulse is a recurring column where we ask for readers’ takes on varying topics in a weekly survey and report back with our findings.

There’s no better time for hunkering down with a good book than the summer season. (Think: a socially distanced solo picnic or an afternoon spent reading on the patio while keeping cool with a pitcher of lemonade.) Now’s also an ideal moment to focus on learning and self-improvement.

That’s why, this week, we’re asking you to share some of your favorite real estate reads. It could be a dog-eared textbook you’ve found yourself picking up and thumbing through over and over, while learning something new every single time. It could be a go-to book on time management, productivity or handling stress at work.

If you manage a team, it could even be a guide on being a better, more compassionate leader and more adept at handling your managerial duties. Point is, if it’s taught you something — anything — that’s helped you become better at what you do, we’d like to hear about it.

We’ll compile a list of the top responses and post them on Inman next Tuesday.