
Open or wait? Inman contributors sound off

“Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee have already begun to reopen their states for business. In your area, is now the right time to reopen the economy?” we asked Inman contributors on Monday.

With a quick and overwhelming response, we realized that almost everyone wants the economy and small businesses to go back to pre-shutdown. However, some are more concerned about health than business.

Below are some of the top responses from the survey and closed contributors Facebook group.

Open it!

Brian Mullins

Brian Mullins


Vacation is over! We need to get this country back to work to have economic prosperity. People are free to stay home, but for those to want to work they should be allowed to work.


Chris Pollinger

Chris Pollinger


Data does not support shutdowns.



Sharron St. John

Sharron St. John


The business owners can’t remain closed much longer, and it feels like the people will ultimately [be] reopening with or without the state’s permission. With social distancing measures in place, reopening will be safer than waiting because individuals will begin taking matters into their own hands.

Carl Medford

Carl Medford


I think we have a pretty good idea of how to act now.


George W. Mantor

George W. Mantor


The data regarding who gets COVID and who dies from it do not warrant destroying America’s small and mid-size businesses. Further, isolating citizens reduces their immunity for the future, setting us up for another round with far graver consequences.


Andrew Fortune

Andrew Fortune


I am very much for reopening our state. In fact, I don’t think that we should have ever closed it. The amount of deaths from this virus doesn’t match our response to it.


Kendall Caputo

Kendall Caputo


In Florida, real estate is an essential service, so we are working. According to ShowingTime, buyer traffic in Florida bottomed out on April 6 and has been steadily climbing. Time to reopen the economy!


Missy Yost

Missy Yost

South Carolina

I am for the reopening of the states. I think it’s possible to manage social distancing while businesses remain open by implementing the 6-foot rule, encouraging face masks, washing hands, and staying home if you’re sick.

Most business owners are conscious of the seriousness of the virus and their duty to protect themselves and their clients. There comes a point when we have to trust business owners to do the right thing and let them reopen.

We will learn more about the virus as time goes on, but keeping the states closed until a vaccine is found may cause more harm through an economic collapse than remaining closed to protect people from getting the virus.

Open, but with caution

Lynn Wheeler

Lynn Wheeler


I am in favor of states reopening as long as strict protocols are in place to promote safety when returning to business. Testing is also a critical aspect that I am concerned is not necessarily in place at this time.


Anthony West

Anthony West


I recommend following what the experts have suggested in monitoring for a 14-day decline in cases. In addition, there’s still a vast amount of testing that needs to take place.

It’s a Catch-22 because the economy is struggling right now and desperation to pay bills … is a real issue, but so are all of our livelihoods.

For states that reopen [before] the 14-day decline, it must be in phases, and those who don’t feel comfortable just yet in working in public spaces shouldn’t feel forced too. It’ll be interesting to see how restaurants approach this as well.

Ayisha Sereni

Ayisha Sereni


We are a large, diverse state, it makes sense to open in phases and in circumstances that include appropriate protections in place.


Colleen Ludington

Colleen Ludington

North Carolina

I believe we should be reopening our state. Nearly every single choice we make in life has an aspect of calculated risk. Each citizen and business owner should calculate their desired level of risk and act accordingly.


Joshua Jarvis

Joshua Jarvis


I’m in favor of moving forward slowly. That’s what is being done in Georgia. It’s not “reopened” they way it’s being portrayed.



Stephanie Arnett

Stephanie Arnett


Only if proper precautions are in place.




Cara Ameer

Cara Ameer


I’m for opening those areas within states that can safely do so, so long as precautions and proper steps are taken to manage the process.


John Giffen

John Giffen


Yes, I am for reopening, but opening responsibly. I believe we can move forward with the guidelines our governor has provided. Our company is opening all of our offices this Friday, May 1.


Ryan Rodenbeck

Ryan Rodenbeck


Yes, but in a very limited capacity.


Dustin Brohm

Dustin Brohm


Yes, reopen with safety guidelines in place (which we have). Most people are going to act responsibly on their own. I do believe the longer this shutdown continues for, the more devastating and deadly it will be for Americans.

Suicides, trafficking, domestic abuse and violence, child abuse, divorces, bankruptcy, murders, looting and theft, health issues made worse by not seeking medical help sooner … all are byproducts of this shutdown, which we will likely eventually see as being worse than COVID-19 itself.

Erinn Noble

Erinn Nobel


I agree to a “soft” opening of local businesses once our lockdown is relieved May 4. Washington has done a good job flattening the curve, I’m still concerned for potential flare ups once people start gathering and socializing in public places.


Nick Solis

Nick Solis


States should look at a measured approach to reopening. Finding a balance between community safety and commerce.

It’s a gray area

Kevin Kauffman

Kevin Kauffman


I think I am for a controlled opening, but I don’t think there is a right answer for all 50 states.

Tiffany Kjellander

Tiffany Kjellander

New Jersey

Neither for nor against. Some people need to work. Some people aren’t comfortable going out. Either is OK. There are no right answers since none of us have traversed this type of situation before.



Brian Walker

Brian Walker


I would rather wait. I’m afraid if we jump the gun, we’ll only end up back at square one and for an even longer time.


Erica Ramus

Erica Ramus


While I would love to be working, I am not sure it is the right choice.




Alison Wisnom

Alison Wisnom


Against. “Reopening the states” is tremendously vague. I’m in a state that is “closed,” but an appropriate level of business seems to be happening here in relation to the level of illness present.

J Philip Faranda

J Philip Faranda

New York

Against reopening now.



Teresa Boardman

Teresa Boardman


Against until we have adequate testing and PPE.



Leslie DeLuca

Leslie DeLuca


We have gone this long. Let’s not be hasty and have more problems. People are still dying every day.



Brenna Humphreys

Brenna Humphreys


Not until the science backs it up.



Kyle Draper

Kyle Draper


I am against a full reopening. Without forced precautions like masks and limited number of people, many will take advantage of this and cause the virus to spread again. My family plans to wait at least a month after our community opens back up to see what happens before we embrace public outings.

What’s your take? Please share in the comments section below. 

Editor’s note: Responses were edited for grammar, style and clarity. 

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