Are you alarmed at the thought of what a quarantine might do to your business? Worried about losing weeks of productivity? You don’t have to.

If you’re in an area where there is a slow down, or maybe even a complete halt, use this time to beef up your business — from home. Here are seven things you can do from the comfort of your home to build future business.

1. Get over your fear of doing videos

If you’re apprehensive about doing video, this is the time to do it. You don’t have to upload the videos, but you should go ham practicing. I challenge you to do at least one new one every day. Review it, edit it, and get a feel for how to do videos so that it becomes your new normal.

2. Take online classes

There are so many virtual classes, so now is the time to take a few classes, get your continued education credits and sharpen that saw.

3. Write handwritten notes

Take this time to finally write out those handwritten notes that have been weighing down your to-do list. Here’s a little hint to jumpstart your creative juices and a few tips on how to write the perfect thank-you note.

Need additional support? Here’s the link I mentioned in the video for a business self-checkup.

What are you doing to keep your business on track? Please share in the comments section below. 

Lee Davenport is a licensed real estate broker, trainer and coach. Follow her on FacebookInstagramYouTube and Google+, or visit her website

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