
Keeping It Real: 5 tips for avoiding total burnout

Photo by Danylo Suprun on Unsplash

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer cautions against letting work take over and shares what he does to avoid burnout.

Most of us have ended up in this place, a place where we want to throw our hands in the air and wave the white flag of surrender. I find it easy to meander there if I’m not careful.

It’s paralyzing.


However, burnout is avoidable. I have five tips that I consistently use that keep me far away from this quicksand. If followed, you’ll find yourself empowered each day to own the tasks in front of you.

1. Prioritize your workload

The harsh reality is you cannot do it all. I know, I know. It’s a hard fact to come to terms with. But it’s the truth.

Once you’ve let that sink in, it’s time to put your tasks in order. Survey your tasks, and determine which ones are the most urgent, moderately urgent and the least urgent — and put them in order. Then, get to work.

2. Work with your purpose

Now that you’re working, do it with gusto. Are there tasks for which have a hard time mustering up gusto? Sure, it is work. However, have an honest look at your work, and determine if there are things you can outsource or do away with altogether (hint: toxic clients).

3. Give it all away

All of it, freely and without prejudice. I have divulged just about every piece of information held inside my noggin to others. When I help people, I feel good.

There’s fear surrounding this subject — but there doesn’t have to be. Friends, there’s enough for everyone.

4. Exercise

Arguably my least favorite of the bunch, but it’s therapeutic, and it contributes to your overall well-being.

5. Remember — you’re not in control

The only thing you can control is your output. You can’t manipulate the results. Work as hard as you, and toss out the notion that you have any control whatsoever over what happens next.

For more on how to stay productive and away from burnout, give this podcast a listen.

Peter Lorimer is the CEO of Beverly Hills, California-based PLG Estates.