On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer shares why now is the time to get out of the box and create content that resonates with your tribe.

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer shares why now is the time to get out of the box and create content that resonates with your tribe.

Kill vanilla. At my brokerage, we say this a lot. What does it mean? It means that the traditional ways of getting discovered and getting your business or brand seen by others are on the way out (in many cases, they’re already out).

Some brokerages are grasping tightly to the old ways — with a death grip that will soon be loosened (by force or by choice) by our ever-evolving industry. 

The road less traveled is the route to tossing vanilla to the curb. The roadmap away from pervasive mediocrity is lightly traveled and full of light. It feels a bit rebellious, and it works.

Let me tell you how: It starts with proactivity.


Proactivity in real estate marketing works like this: Create and define your own personal brand. Build a 360-degree view of who you are, as a human, and display it to the world.

Do you like hockey? Create content about hockey. Or, maybe you’re like me, and you love rave music. Create content about that.

Many agents still cold call, door-knock and send postcards. Although those tactics still have merit, they are reactive. There’s nothing created and put into the digital universe that allows others to form a connection.

Content is what you put out into the areas of the digital world that fosters relationships and builds trust. What format should you use? Honestly, whatever format you like. Because that’s going to be the most authentic. (Inauthenticity in social media is a glaring red flag.) The world is your oyster. Create podcasts, videos, vlogs, blogs or articles — whatever suits your fancy. 

Why? To attract your tribe. Marketing can’t stop at sending out a postcard and waiting. You have to take control of your professional destiny by creating your own personal brand

We currently have this glorious trifecta in real estate — low interest rates, a surplus of buyers and a seller’s market. These are the days, my friends. If you’re not hitting your goals, now’s the time to double down. 

Give my podcast a listen if you’re at all intrigued, and charge away from the ocean of mediocrity — toward the rebellion. 

Peter Lorimer is the CEO of Beverly Hills, California-based PLG Estates.

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