
Keeping It Real: Don’t get stuck on decision-making

Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring series on Inman, Peter Lorimer discusses how indecision can immobilize your business and how to avoid it. 

Have you ever felt immobilized by indecision? You’re not alone! We have all felt that way. Choosing your next business move can be daunting. The scariest place to be, however, is stuck in indecision. I fear not moving forward more than I fear what could happen from a choice I make.

People often ask me how PLG Estates decided to go “all in” with building an engaged community on social media. I like to rely on a little something called instinct — and it’s something we all have.

How do I rely on instinct? I think it takes practice. I’ve taught myself to trust that ever-so-small flutter in my gut that tells me, “Yes. This feels right.” That still and quiet voice is to be trusted, but it’s followed by a naysayer. It always is.

I quickly latch on to that first voice to help me make small, strategic moves (and I do my best to tune out the rest). Because the trick is to move — and move fast.


Move quickly and be OK with getting it wrong. PLG Estates arrived at our strategy of creating and executing hip and edgy social media accounts by getting it wrong. A lot. In the beginning, we had nothing but instinct and street smarts.

What I believe got us through the early stages was harnessing our attitude — by believing that the worst that could happen is getting it wrong.

Don’t overthink it, and definitely don’t over-talk about it (nothing will murder your ideas faster).

They say Thomas Edison had to burn through 1,000 light bulbs to get one to light up. Never be afraid to fall flat on your face.

When it comes to running hard toward your ideas, I don’t believe you need to overwork yourself. But I do believe you need to dive in and work hard.

Here’s what I recommend: 50-hour work weeks. If you’re building your business, you have to be obsessive about it for the first several years. Spend 50 hours a week charging toward your instinct.

And when you see the fruits of your labor, dig in further. Success begets momentum. If you’re feeling stuck, I urge you to check out my podcast above and find out just how I do this.

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Peter Lorimer is the CEO of Beverly Hills, California-based PLG Estates.