
3 ways coaching can help you be a better agent

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Troy Palmquist is an indie broker in California with more than a decade of experience. His regular column, which covers a range of helpful tips for agents and op-eds on industry happenings, publishes Thursdays on Inman.

Whether you’re a rookie agent, a rising team leader or an established veteran broker, we can all benefit from sharpening our skills. Follow our “Back to Basics” series to learn fundamental strategies, tactics, philosophies and more from real estate pros across the industry.

When is it the right time to get a coach? This is a question I am asked by agents and colleagues countless times a day. To be frank, the answer lies within you.

Ask yourself the following:

  • What are my personal goals?
  • Am I trying to expand my network?
  • Do I want to grow my client list?
  • Am I eager to get to the next level?

If you answered yes to any or all of the above, chances are you’re ready for a coach.

In my experience, the vast majority of top-producing agents and brokers reach the top of their game faster with a mentor on their side, and coaching is the first step. I am a big believer in coaching programs, whether private or in a group.

In fact, (and for transparency’s sake) I am currently enrolled in two different coaching programs — one with Debbie De Grote of Excelleum Coaching & Consulting and another with Stefan Swanepoel’s T3 Sixty.

One of the things that we do at our office is have weekly coaching calls with all of our agents. This is an opportunity for us to go over a set schedule of classes that are available while also emphasizing the importance of coaching and its impact on personal growth. Not only does this help top performers improve their skillset, it also gives newer agents something to aspire to.

But a coach doesn’t necessarily have to be a paid coach. It could be a mentor in your office, a confidant you bounce ideas off of or a person you hire for specialized training.

Coaching helps everyone, it holds people accountable, and it helps agents in all stages of their career grow.

A professional coach can … 

  1. Refresh your approach: Coaches are able to pinpoint necessary changes and improvements that might get overlooked. An objective set of eyes can help you hone in on best practices and set up a foundation for success. Coaches can also suggest better methods of generating new business, while also giving you the tools to sustain the client relationships you have.
  2. Give you confidence: Confidence is key in real estate, but many agents are unsure of their own abilities. The business itself is highly competitive, which makes it difficult to find a genuine mentor, even within your own brokerage. As markets shift and strategies change, top agents know it’s necessary to not only find a mentor but also to be willing to grow and adapt. This is where a coach comes in. They are not in competition with you. They are there to give you proven tools, techniques and encouragement, which will help you in a number of ways. Whether it’s marketing and networking, time management or finances, there are coaches whose sole job is to make you, your business and your life better.
  3. Take you to the next level: Top performers never stop. They are fueled by a desire to learn more, do more and be more. This mentality encourages learning from and relying on experts who are highly skilled in helping agents stay ahead of the competition. Coaches emphasize the importance of learning and will put you on the path that’s right for you.

If any of those areas are ones you need work in, it’s probably worth getting a coach. There is never a bad time to find a coach, and the rewards far outweigh the cost.

Troy Palmquist is the founder and broker of The Address in Southern California. Follow him on Facebook, or connect with him on LinkedIn.