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Want success in real estate? Become ferociously intentional about THIS one thing

Did you hear the news? Only three percent of real estate agents are really doing it well.
Ouch. Did that hurt a bit?

The stats don’t lie: There are 1.3 million real estate agents in the U.S. Only 43,000 of those are really performing at a high level, though. That’s how many people sell more than 25 homes annually.

Why? What separates the wheat from the chaff?

There are the hobbyists, the dabblers, the newbies, etc. Sure, I understand all that. But still, 43,000 out of 1.3 million? THREE percent?

Here’s my theory: I’d argue it’s due in large part to many people failing to recognize the one thing that’s most important to running a successful real estate business. Care to guess what that might be?

How’s your 2019 Business Plan coming? If you need help, click here.

What’s that one thing, Tom?

Even if you already know what I’m going to say, keep reading. You can’t hear this message enough.

Before I tell you what it is, I’ll tell you what it’s not…

It’s not hiring the right assistant. It’s not finding the right brokerage. It’s not getting your business organized. It’s not mastering your lead gen. It’s not getting more leads.

All those things are great. I’m not downplaying their importance.

But ultimately, there’s only one thing that truly moves the needle for a real estate salesperson. Ready for it?


It’s all about appointments. Your success all depends on how many times you’re getting face-to-face with people.

Our List & Win bundle will not only help you book more appointments, but also win the listings. Download it today!

A “wellness check” for your business

Let’s do an experiment… run a “check-up” on your business, if you will.

Open your calendar and take a look at it. I’ll wait. Open it up.

If your schedule isn’t full of appointments in the coming days, your business is in trouble. It’s unhealthy. It’s treading water.

If that hits home, it’s time to take control of what you focus on. And it’s time to become ferociously intentional about booking and going on appointments. It’s time to start scheduling your day around those activities. If you struggle to manage your time effectively, get help with our Time Management Tool Kit.

See more of Tom Ferry’s best success tips:


My “double dare” challenge to you!

We’re closing in on the new year. I’m challenging you to set an intention between now and the end of the year.

I’m asking you to take your business seriously and focus your efforts where they’ll really make a difference.

Answer this question: How many appointments will you book between now and the end of January?

Up your ambition. Increase your commitment. Set a big number.

When you achieve it, not only will you start 2019 strong, but you’ll prime your pipeline and launch yourself for a full year of forward momentum.

Remember: whatever goal you set for yourself, make it visual. Get your scoreboard up and make it public.

4 steps to achieve your appointment goal

Here are four keys to help you make your appointment goal a reality: