Consumers have never had more choices when it comes to buying or selling real estate than they have today — and that makes it both an exciting and potentially challenging time to be making your living as a real estate agent. How do you continue to differentiate yourself in an era when your services are increasingly seen as more “nice to have” than “need to have”? What should you do about commission discounts and other changes in the market? Can you effectively market yourself for an amount of money that makes sense with your bottom line?

Inman is on top of all of these market shifts, and at Inman Connect New York, programming specific to real estate agents will be front-and-center at Agent Connect. The entire event spans the week of January 28 through February 1, 2019, at the Marriott Marquis Times Square, and Agent Connect takes place on Tuesday, January 29.

You’ll learn about the trends you need to keep tabs on in a shifting market, how to fight back against discounters to capture consumers’ attention and loyalty (and keep it), how to set and manage your personal financial goals when you’re not sure what to expect from buyers and sellers, and much more.

Social media expert Marki Lemons-Ryhal will be talking about how to create a blueprint for your social media strategy that will take your marketing to the next level. “From one video, we can create more than 250 forms of content, from YouTube to my podcast to audio-to-text transmission for blog posts,” she explains. “And you have to be willing to do what others aren’t willing to do. You can’t just do what everyone else does; you have to think outside the box and do something different.”

And two agents who are thriving in very different markets — hotter-than-hot Miami and the much sleepier Savannah, Georgia — will explain what strategies are working for them and how you might apply those to your own business. “Going into the shifting market, agents need to be able to generate their own business,” states Karin Carr, who operates out of Savannah. “If you’re buying leads, they’ll get more and more expensive as the market shifts.” Vachi Udolkin in Miami will talk about his digital strategy: “We do a lot of digital, which is basically video ads and automation — you have to have a big structured organization, and I’ll share how we manage it.”

Next-level customer service is going to become increasingly crucial in a shifting market, and you’ll learn tips and tricks for standing apart from the crowd when it comes to holding your buyers’ and sellers’ hands through the transaction and beyond, plus how to rethink your lead-generation strategy, the secrets top teams and brokers aren’t telling you, and legal pitfalls that can do you in — including what you need to consider when you’re contracting with a photographer for listing images, and how to handle the expansion of cannabis legalization from state to state in terms of real estate.

Make sure you’re on top of the changes in your market and have a plan for how to master your real estate business in 2019 and beyond; don’t miss Agent Connect, exclusively at Inman Connect New York.

Dig deeper into Agent Connect and discover the opportunities in a changing market at Inman Connect New York, January 29 – February 1. Jumpstart 2019 with tactical takeaways, unlimited networking and thought-provoking speakers. Learn more.

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