
Houzz unveils new logo that looks like an ‘h’ and a house at once

The logo for interior design platform Houzz has undergone a remodeling of its own.

On Tuesday, the company unveiled the new emblem — an outline in the company’s signature green that simultaneously looks like a lowercase letter “h” and a house with a door and chimney  — created by renowned graphic designer Paula Scher.

The new Houzz logo

“Our goal was to create a simplified and clean look that better represents our brand today as the only place where you can find everything to design or renovate your home, from inspiration to products to home professionals,” said Houzz Head of Design Tom Hacohen in a statement.

The old logo, which appeared on the company’s app and site, was a 3-D capital letter “H” in green and black. The new design is part of Houzz’s efforts to make its brand’s aesthetic simpler and more recognizable — the company is also switching to a bolder font for the “houzz” wordmark and rolling out a vertical version of the logo for use in different digital and print formats.

The old Houzz logo

“A lower-case ‘h,’ if you look at it, always has a chimney,” said Scher in a YouTube video explaining the creative process that went into making the logo. “[…] What we did here to differentiate it is made it a modern house and slanted the roof.”

The Palo Alto-based company features design ideas, photos, products and home professionals for those interested in interior design, architecture and home remodeling.

“Houzz offers viewers the option of viewing many different design styles in architecture, product and interior design,” Scher told Inman. “Our logo design represents them all.”

According to the Houzz, a new logo will allow it to better communicate its services as a home remodeling site while also being able to change the colors depending on its placement across different platforms.

“We want our logo to be warm and to clearly communicate home, while keeping the ‘h’ and the word ‘Houzz’ recognizable,” Hacohen said.

Email Veronika Bondarenko