
3 tips for real estate video marketing newbies

Photo by Jenna Day on Unsplash

The key to success in real estate is marketing with a strategy to build your brand and develop your customer base, especially as a new agent.

Right now, in 2018, the best way to do both build a brand and develop a customer base is by creating marketing videos.

According to WordStream, 87 percent of online marketers use video content, and 45 percent of people watch more than a half hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week.

Here are three easy and affordable ways to develop and leverage marketing videos as a newbie:

1. Get a good logo, and use it

First, you need to understand that your video marketing is part of your brand, so treat it that way.

You can get a logo designed online today for anywhere between $5 and $150, depending upon which logo or freelance website you want to use.

Once you have your logo, make sure it is embedded on all videos, and introduce yourself right after the logo flashes.

This small investment and short introduction will go a long way in marketing your name and face recognition, which is great for branding.

Taking these small steps will also help you become the go-to person within your community for real estate advice as the platform will increase your visibility, and your knowledge will shine.

2. Make sure your video content is watchable

You don’t have to have the highest-end video equipment, but your videos must be watchable. This means using a phone stand or tripod to record it (no one wants to watch a Blair Witch, shaky real estate video).

Most people who are seeking out a video with real estate advice are looking for information quickly.

Depending on the platform, your video length will vary. HubSpot recommends the following:

  • Instagram: 30 seconds
  • Twitter: 45 seconds
  • Facebook: one minute
  • YouTube: two minutes

Keep all videos under four minutes because consumers simply don’t have the attention span to stick it out until the end.

3. Be the voice of your marketing

If you’re doing a video tour of a home as part of a marketing strategy, make sure that you do the voiceover, and talk about what it’s like to live in the home.

Make it personal, make it marketable.

If you’re doing a video on renting versus buying, use your voice. Offer your expertise and experience, and the rest will come.

Today, marketing videos are needed to help all new and seasoned real estate agents remain competitive. Having a good logo and a short introduction of who you are, along with a short, well-shot video will help deliver your important message.

And remember, speak to your experience, and give value consumers can enjoy — that will be the “it-factor” that makes your videos stand out.

Sam Benson, SRES, is a real estate broker in the greater Walnut Creek, California, area. You can follow him on Instagram and Facebook.