
10 social media myths holding real estate agents back

Photo by Rahul Chakraborty on Unsplash

Almost all of millennials — the largest group of homebuyers — begin their real estate journey online, according to a 2017 study by the National Association of Realtors.

However, 7 percent of Realtors don’t use social media, and 10 percent are uncomfortable using it.

If you’re not using social media as a real estate agent, you’re missing out on a huge pool of buyers. Today, real estate and social media go hand in hand.

Here are 10 social media myths that real estate agents should debunk.

1. Social media will take too much time

The key to a strong social media presence is not to spend all day posting; instead, it’s the consistency of your posts. When crafting your social media marketing plan, use resources that will aid in the consistency and timing of your posts while saving you many hours.

I would recommend a scheduling service like Hootsuite or Buffer. That way, you can create your social media posts ahead of time and have them post automatically based on your desired schedule.

2. There are too many real estate posts already

It’s common for a real estate agent to feel like there are too many real estate posts circulating already. Surprisingly, that’s not what everyone sees.

With most social networks, a user is shown posts based on whom they follow and what their interests are. You never know whom or what someone sees on social media.

If you are personally seeing too many real estate posts, you’re probably following too many real estate people. There is a large network of people who exist outside of the real estate industry, and they are the people who will appreciate your personal real estate posts.

You never know what someone sees on social media and what they might like.

3. You need a large following

Having a large following does not guarantee anything when it comes to social media. As a real estate agent, the best thing one could ask for is a targeted following.

Your goal should not be to have the highest number of follows and likes; your goal should be getting your content in front of the right people.

One can expect better results from a few people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say versus hundreds or thousands of people who have zero interest in you or your business.

4. Facebook is the only place for real estate

Although Facebook is one of the most popular social networks today, it’s not the only one. There are actually many other networks outside of Facebook that have shown to be great for marketing your real estate business.

With real estate marketing being so visual, platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat have really exploded in the real estate world.

Let’s not forget about LinkedIn and Medium, which are great places to share your knowledge and show that you are a true expert.

5. Buyers and sellers don’t make decisions from social media

Social media has become a huge marketplace for the exchange of goods and that includes real estate. Not only can one sell a home from social media, but it has become a place where most clients find their agents.

Having an active social media presence as an agent can really make you stand out from the crowd. Your next buyer or listing could come from a single social media post so don’t shy away from it.

6. Agents must hire professional help

Posting on Facebook or Instagram could seem intimidating. No one wants to make a mistake, but that’s no reason to hire professional help. Most social networks are meant to be free.

You have all of the tools and resources at your disposal. Your profiles are meant to be a reflection of you. People really appreciate your personality, so you don’t want to take that away from them by putting someone else in charge.

There are no secrets or magic tricks, and there’s not much someone else can do that you can’t do yourself.

7. LinkedIn shouldn’t be used for real estate

LinkedIn has become one of my favorite networks. LinkedIn is one of the best places to build client and referral partner relationships.

With the advanced search capabilities on LinkedIn, an agent can tactfully narrow down exactly whom they are trying to meet.

Utilize LinkedIn to help build your real estate business. This network is filled with thousands of professionals who are looking to build and nurture relationships as well.

8. Everyone is judging you

Let’s back out of the mentality that you’re being judged. With any situation, there will always be differences of opinions. Social media platforms are places where we are meant to be seen and heard.

This goes back to making sure you are in front of the right people. I’m a true believer in letting your personality shine. Followers may come and go, but you will create raving fans by being yourself and not worrying about who may or may not be judging you.

9. Social media is the best source for leads

I’m a firm believer in the power of social media, but it’s not the only source for leads. People still attend networking events (like ICNY), and real estate agents still cold call and send mailers.

We must not forget the conventional ways that agents are still thriving from. I will say, I have personally generated hundreds of leads through social media, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best source.

The best lead source is the one that works best for you, so continue to do what you are great at.

10. Instagram is only for ‘young people’

As of September 2017, Instagram had about 800 million users as tallied by Statista. That number is growing month over month.

Instagram is quickly becoming one of the largest social media networks. This is a huge marketing opportunity for the real estate industry. Instagram is a network that is used by people of all ages.

Many big brands and companies are establishing themselves on Instagram, which should tell you that real estate is next.

On Instagram, you’re able to post photos, videos and even do live broadcasts. This is the perfect combination for any real estate agent marketing their business.

Social media is here to stay, and it’s important to make it work for you the best way possible. The key to being great at anything is consistency.

Try not to let the chatter in your head prevent you from being the best you can be, both online and offline.

What social media myths do you deal with often? Please share in the comments section below.

Chastin J. Miles is a Realtor with Rogers Healy and Associates in Dallas, Texas. Follow him on Instagram or YouTube.