
Independent brokerages unite at day-long ICNY Indie Broker Summit

Real estate has always been a haven for the independent — and especially for the ambitious, driven people who decide to forge their own paths and found their own brokerages. When you decide to be independent, however, you’re losing access to franchisor assets and resources, and the indie broker’s path can sometimes feel isolated, lonely and all-uphill.

Now, you can network and learn from your colleagues at the Indie Broker Summit, where indie brokers from large and small markets with a different way of doing things will gather for a full day of educational programming and opportunities to make one-on-one connections. It’s happening on Monday, January 22, as part of Inman Connect New York, January 22 through 26 at the New York Marriott Marquis Times Square.

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Other indie brokers from all over the country will take the stage to talk about navigating threats and seizing opportunities specific to running an independent brokerage. You will learn:

There will also be a networking session where you can meet your fellow indie brokers and collaborative sessions where you can ask questions and get answers from experts.

If you’ve chosen the path of the indie broker, then you’ll need to give yourself some of the resources and assets that the big brands offer — and you’ll learn strategies and tactics for exactly how to do that at the day-long Indie Broker Summit. It’s a must-do for any indie broker serious about leveling up in 2018.

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Interested in putting your brand in front of hundreds of independent brokers? Email to learn about the sponsorships available for this event. Limited spots remain.