It took “some house” to create the story of “some pig” most of us fell in love with while reading and watching E.B. White’s classic children’s story, Charlotte’s Web.

Photo credit: Mark Fleming / Yankee Magazine


Mary says every June a teacher from a school nearly 100 miles away would bring her students to their home, and she would play a recording of Mr. White reading Charlotte’s Web and give a small tour of the home to the children — being careful to point out Fern’s swing and where Wilbur lived.

“They sit on hay bales in the barn, and we play the recording of Mr. White reading ‘Charlotte’s Web,'” Mary said in the interview with New England Today.

“They swing on the same rope swing that they knew Fern had; they sit on the milking stool where Fern had sat,” she added. “I wanted them to grow up remembering this day. I hoped one day they’d want to find Mr. White’s other writings.”

Martha Dischinger, the seller’s listing agent, says the home’s connection to E.B. White has certainly helped during the selling process, and she expects the next owner to be a lover of literature who will either live in the home or turn it into a museum honoring E.B. White.

“They might be very interested in the fact that it was E.B. White’s residence for many years, and that’s where Charlotte lived, and Templeton, and all the history of all of his books,” said Dischinger in a statement to Maine Public.

“This house is in magnificent condition. It’s been lovingly taken care of over the years, since the late 1700s.”

The home isn’t listed on the MLS and serious buyers can contact Dischinger via email.

Email Marian McPherson.

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