
Adventures in door-knocking: One agent’s most extreme tales

Ken Tannenbaum /

When Greg McDaniel got into real estate, here’s the direction his father gave him: “Son, take these fliers and step out the office door. Turn right, and go knock on doors. Tomorrow, turn left, and go knock on doors.”

So he’s had his fair share of door-knocking nightmares and awkward situations.

Guns being pulled on him; close calls with a pit bull; being invited to, shall we say, an adult party — McDaniel has seen it all.

In this video, I helped McDaniel dig into his repressed memories and unearth these adventures in door-knocking.

If you enjoy the video and want to learn how to actually knock on doors and get leads, download McDaniel’s favorite scripts.

You can also subscribe to our podcast, Real Estate Uncensored on iTunes or YouTube.

Matt Johnson is the founder of Pursuing Results, a podcast production firm. He is also the co-host of Real Estate Uncensored, a real estate training podcast and video series.