
New Zillow ad campaign tugs at the heartstrings

Source: Zillow ad spot, "Stars"

Zillow’s newest ad campaign, “Finding Home,” shares the stories of five buyers who have different backgrounds and needs but one thing in common — a twinkle in their eye for the perfect place to call home.

Zillow says the ads are based on real stories from employees and users and leverage survey data from the Zillow Group Consumer Housing Trend Report that explores the current state of homeownership and reveals the driving force behind the housing market — millennials.

In one, titled “Stars,” a man focuses on the next step — finding a new home near “nana and poppy” — while his son struggles with the loss of Mom.

In another, a millennial finds the inspiration she needs to take the leap from renting to buying even though she’ll be living alone. The spot is aptly called “Just Me” and encourages single buyers to consider their options and the financial benefits that homeownership can offer.

“We talk with hundreds of thousands of people each year to understand their needs, frustrations and desires when it comes to finding a home so that we can build products to help them,” said Jeremy Wacksman, Zillow CMO in announcing the campaign.

“We hear so many incredible personal stories about the different paths people take to homeownership. We were inspired to bring the modern home shopping story to life with this campaign.”

For many, homeownership is an integral part of the American Dream, whether you’re a millennial entering into adulthood, a Gen-Xer looking for the space for a burgeoning family or a boomer who, instead of downsizing, seeks a place where the whole family can live and love.

The first five spots are available on or on the company’s YouTube channel, and additional commercials will roll out over the spring and summer on ABC, NBC, HGTV and TBS alongside print, radio and digital ads.

View the other three spots here

Email Marian McPherson