
How a fresh smell can make or break a home sale

Brenda Carson /

Patryk Kosmider /

Every home carries scents of the wonderful meals we prepare, cleaners we use, laundry we’re doing and even the furniture we choose, whether it be a leather armchair or antique highboy. Combined, these are like our family scent signature.

Unfortunately, some scents, like those from our pets, smoke or pungent cooking odors, are not very pleasant. Here are some things to help offset those offensive odors before a showing:

Two hours before a showing

Open the windows and doors to exchange stale air with fresh air from outside. The fresh outside air will exchange with the inside air in about an hour.

While they’re open

Additional options

Before you leave

When leaving the home for the soon-to-arrive agent and buyer, open all the curtains, turn on all the lights, remove bathroom rugs, hang fresh towels, and flush and close toilets.

Your fresh-smelling home will stand out from the rest!

Email Sue Ann Stevens