
Do’s and don’ts for buyers and sellers when viewing a home

Chris Singshinsuk /

This article was inspired by a particularly awful week of abuse by buyers and their agents during their viewings of my seller clients’ homes.

The week of bad buyer behavior

The master bedding was left askew. Why?

In a single week, my seller clients reported:

And the one that sent me over the edge: A buyer removed handmade, heirloom quilts from this antique chair, dragged it across the room to the closet, and proceeded to stand on it to hoist himself into the attic.

How do we know? He left the chair in the closet and the precious quilts piled on the floor.

The antique chair

My client called in both disbelief and tears.

I don’t typically rant, but I posted in a righteous fit to the culprit and their agent here.

This post prompted a firestorm of comments from my clients, both buyers and sellers, as to the proper protocol during the showing process. It turns out both had a lot to say.

Seller recommendations for buyers

Sellers had the following recommendations for buyers and their agents when viewing homes:

Buyers should also note that any inspections — for example, the attic, appliances, roof, furnace and so on — are done by professionals after an accepted offer to purchase, not by the buyer during the viewing.

Leaving the seller with a good impression after your viewing could be in your favor if you write an offer.

Buyer recommendations for sellers

On the flip side, buyers had the following recommendations for sellers and their agents:

Sellers should expect the buyer to examine all the rooms and features included in the home during their showing. They will look in the kitchen cabinets, pantry, bathroom vanities, medicine cabinet and closets.

If the refrigerator is included, they will look in there, too.

A word to agents: You are responsible for the home during your showing. If the buyer is taking liberties or being disrespectful, stop them.

You and your clients are guests in this and every other home you view.

The secret to a great showing experience for everyone is respect. How hard is that?

Gwen Daubenmeyer is CEO, Team Leader and Lead Listing Agent at The Integrity Real Estate Team | The Re/Max Collection.

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