Just because someone markets a product or service (or, in the case of luxury real estate, a lifestyle) does not mean that they do so effectively.

If your luxury real estate peers are failing, doing poorly or even just OK, you want to be one of the few who are succeeding.

Don’t fool yourself: Failure can be addictive

The odd thing is that the ones who are failing or have failed will often stay on the same path — even though it isn’t working (or hasn’t worked) for them.

This group can become so committed to their standard approach that they resist change. In fact, these real estate peers might even encourage others to join them on this journey to nowhere — or at least nowhere an aspiring luxury real estate agent wants to be.

Think outside the box

Sometimes the forward-thinking, innovative luxury real estate agent can get strange reactions from professional peers who prefer the “same old, same old” marketing strategies. Yet becoming a think-outside-the-box luxury real estate agent is well worth the effort.

Be prepared to forge ahead in spite of obstacles. Once you take the plunge and commit to the most progressive marketing techniques out there, you will never look at sales again in the same way.

Don’t stress about critics. Remember that every critic has an agenda.

Just like with every venture, luxury real estate agents should fully understand a marketing technique before they trust their career to it.

Kevin M. Leonard is the founder of Luxury Agent and Valore Group. You can follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Email Kevin Leonard

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