• Building rapport in real estate starts with the right mindset.
  • Always have an attitude of being of service.
  • Use the seller's energy to your advantage when building rapport.

You probably already know the importance of building rapport in real estate to win over sellers. Can you imagine, however, feeling confident knowing you will easily connect and build rapport with a seller each time you walk up to the front door for a listing presentation?

If you want to know that feeling, the feeling that you will win every listing, then you must start with an understanding of rapport building. Patrick Harvey, a recent guest on Pat Hiban’s podcast, is an expert on building rapport in real estate.

He came on the show to share actionable advice for real estate agents to begin using to build rapport with sellers and start winning more listings on a regular basis.

5 things you need to know about building rapport in real estate

Step 1: Mindset

Before you ring the doorbell, you need to be in the right frame of mind and have your head in a great place. You must be in the right state — a fully confident state — because the sellers want to feel confidence from you and feel like you can sell their house.

If building rapport in real estate starts with the right mindset, how do you put yourself in that state?

Prepare ahead of time, listen to music that fires you up, use a positive anchor with an affirmation — each of these will put you in a confident mindset and start the rapport building process before you ring the doorbell.

Keep the energy up during the listing appointment. Feel the energy of the seller(s) and use that energy to build rapport. And here’s a secret weapon for building rapport in real estate.

Along with your attitude, you should also focus your energy on being of service. Why?

When you hold the energy of “being of service,” sellers will also feel that energy emanating from you and understand you wish to help them. Thus, they will feel confident that your goal is to serve them and, in turn, will give you the listing.

To learn more about building rapport in real estate and winning more listings by connecting with sellers, listen to Hiban’s podcast interview with Harvey.

Pat Hiban is the author of NYT best selling book “6 steps to 7 figures – A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Destiny”, the founder of Rebus University and the host of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars an Agent to Agent Real Estate Radio Podcast with Hiban Digital in Baltimore, Maryland. Follow him on Instagram or Twitter.

Email Pat Hiban

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