
Video: How to pick the right social media site for you

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Social media expert Tim Stafford, Ph.D., joins us to share how you can pick the right social media site for you.

Real Estate Uncensored

Hosts Greg McDaniel and Matt Johnson with guest Tim Stafford

Start with your best content, usually email content, and break it up into smaller chunks for social media.

Stafford went on to share a few key points about social media that we can all learn from:

  1. Email is the best content medium
  2. Don’t email more often than you can keep up the quality — once someone unsubscribes, you’ve lost them
  3. Build in levels of content: email, then Facebook and Instagram, then LinkedIn and Twitter

In the full episode, we went deep on how to repackage, repurpose and recycle content. Make it easy on yourself to produce the levels of great content people want from you.

Click here to watch the full episode for more details about how to implement this plan.

The key is to start with your best content — email — and break it up into smaller chunks for social media.

You can also boil your content down to key foundational elements, find the commonalities and then expound on those commonalities in different ways.

McDaniel shared that one of his strategies is simply to document his life, share what he’s seeing and learning every day and deliver different chunks of it through various social media platforms in different modalities.

Connect with Stafford here.

Matt Johnson is the CEO of Pursuing Results, a podcast production and PR firm, as well as co-host of real estate podcasts and video series such as Real Estate Uncensored and Elite Real Estate Systems Hangout.

Email Matt Johnson