
3 effective ways to share your team’s vision and story

Powerful vision matters. Look at Steve Jobs and how he changed the world by telling a story we did not even know we needed or wanted. He sold a product, but moreover, he sold the idea. The vision. Someone at your organization needs this same type of vision. Maybe it’s you?

Dream big and have the foresight to know where your business could go if you pursue the right choices. Ask (and answer) tough questions about what changes and improvements you’d need to make to get there. That’s one part of the vision.

Vision helps your organization evolve, and it also transcends to the client experience as well. The client vision needs to be practical, simple and emotional. The Kelly Hager Group vision for our teammates is simple: “Your career. Your story. Our mission.”

Sharing your story is an essential and powerful way to achieve your goals and dreams. Spread your message everywhere so people know who you are and what you stand for.

How to spread the word

1. Share your vision internally

When you share your vision internally with your real estate team, there is more clarity, less squabbling and less bureaucracy. Everyone on the team understands the goals that will be achieved.

The more people the team can get to, the more trending the story becomes. It then goes in this order: buy-in, strategy, implementation, achievement and results. And remember to keep it simple.

Your vision shouldn’t be a hard thing to wrap the brain around. It might even be so simple that your team could expand on it by getting creative with their own style.

2. Grow your client experience

When your results are exceptional, your clients will share the story for you. You have heard the saying, “Do something great for your client, and they will tell someone. Do something not-so-great for your client, and they will tell everyone.”

The banality of your job will be perceived as just that if you don’t know what it takes to create a lasting experience for your client. You don’t need to be over-the-top exciting to get referrals, but the best service and sales techniques involve a performance.

That mastery of your character as you create that experience for your client is what transcends. Think about some of the best service you’ve ever had. What was it about the experience? The product or the person? Probably both, right? Focus on being both parts versus just one.

3. Spend on public relations

Spend dollars on public relations to gain exposure for your vision and story. Public relations can penetrate the masses in an immediate fashion, and the masses like to rally behind a great story.

Being focused, strategic and frugal with your spending is important, too. “What makes a company like Uber get covered is not the fact that it’s a taxi service; it’s the story that Uber is completely changing the transportation industry. If companies like Uber only talked about what they did now, they’d be boring, and they’d only get a fraction of the media coverage,” Michael Simmons of said.

Vision translates to goals — conquering the world, hostile takeovers or maybe market share dominance. Or, vision can be your plan to grow big enough to own a detached office space, double the size of your organization or take care of the client no matter the cost.

It can be as complicated or a simple as you want, but it should be substantial. Vital. Even excessive. It has to be the driver, the fuel and the wheels in your organization’s road of development. Without vision, you’re moving forward blindly.

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Kelly Hager is the owner and CEO of Kelly Hager Group Real Estate Services. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

Email Kelly Hager.