
6 reasons the Galaxy S7 might be perfect for you

Image courtesy of Samsung

Real estate agents just love their iPhones, but there are alternatives for those who want to try something new and a little different. And yes, you can easily sync a Samsung that has an Android operating system, such as the Samsung Galaxy S7, with your iPad and your Apple computer or PC.

I pre-ordered the Samsung Galaxy S7, and it arrived about a week before the official release date, March 11, 2016. It did not take me long to get it set up, but I am still tweaking some of the settings and playing with the cameras. I have already gotten used to how fast it is and the wonderful display.

Some of the information I have read about it online is false, and after seeing the phone myself I discovered that when I went to a store to pre-order the phone, the clerks had given me some information that was wrong as well.

I like to do my homework on the Internet before buying anything from a phone or electronics store, and I like to get the information from trusted websites and verify information by looking for multiple sources, including the manufacturer’s website.

Back to the phone. It’s heavier than what I am used to, and it has a bigger battery, but I can use it with one hand if I choose to because of the rounded back.

It even has settings to make it easier for one-handed use, but I mostly use two hands, so it doesn’t matter. It has a nice feel to it — all shiny and smooth.

I prefer to use a thin rubbery case, but even without one, it seems to stay in my hands. The specifications can be found on the Samsung website and numerous other sites.

So far I am jubilant with my new phone, and here are some of the reasons why:

1. Samsung Pay works

I loaded a couple of my credit cards into the Samsung Pay app. It uses two kinds of technology, NFC and MST. It doesn’t matter if the store accepts payments from phones or not, and thankfully, it doesn’t matter if the person operating the cash register believes in it, likes it or understands it.

Samsung Pay works with both credit and debit cards on newer Samsung phones. I had been told that it won’t work by several cashiers before I used it, and so far, it has worked most of the time but not all of the time.

A cashier at one store warned me that every time I use electronic payment, my picture is taken and sent to the government, but I didn’t let that deter me.

2. The battery lasts a long time

So far, I can go all day without charging. I leave my phone on all night, and it has been able to go 24 hours and longer between charges.

3. The phone charges quickly

I tested it a couple of times, and the phone will go from a 15-percent charge to a 100-percent charge in about 70 minutes. I timed it, and my slowest result was 73 minutes to go from an 18-percent charge to a full charge.

4. The camera is amazing

I love the camera. It’s might be the best yet to be put on a phone. It’s worthy of a separate review. I’ve never had a camera that takes decent pictures in low light conditions.

It’s also super fast to focus and has some decent image stabilization, which makes it excellent for video as well as still photography. I have not tested all the various modes of still photography and video.

5. Wireless charging is convenient

The name “wireless charger” is a little misleading. The charger is plugged into an electrical outlet, and that does require wires. It’s the phone that doesn’t need wires. It’s placed on the charger and charges quickly but is slower than the standard rapid charger that comes with the phone.

It would be the perfect bedside charger if not for the way it lights up when used. So far my phone has not gotten warm, and nothing has blown up.

6. My new phone has expandable storage

I have read a lot of misinformation about this feature. The phone holds a micro SD card. Apps can be put on the card to free up space on the phone. I do have working apps on my SD card. I had to test it out because I read that I could not put apps on the SD card.

What I like the most about expandable storage is having some temporary storage for the photos and videos I take with the built in camera. I opted for a 64-gigabyte card, which is way more than I need.

I don’t see a kind of one-size-fits-all phone for real estate professionals, and I’m very happy to have options and choices. I know that the competition helps make the phones better, and they get better every year. All I want is to run my business with my smartphone without using the phone part.

When I ordered my new phone, I was offered money for my old one. I am hanging on to my old phone. It has many uses. It makes an excellent e-reader, news reader, camera and remote for various gadgets household electronics. I can still access the furnace and the camera in my office and to take notes.

There is one thing about the phone that I don’t like. Between T-Mobile and Samsung, the phone has a lot of apps on it that I don’t want and won’t use. They can be disabled but not deleted. It’s my phone; I should get to decide what goes on it.

I am still waiting the four to six weeks to get the virtual reality goggles that were offered to those who pre-ordered their S7 by a certain date.

And I have my eye on a couple of other accessories that I think might be useful for a mobile, multitasking, real-estate-selling, company-running kind of gal who uses a lot of social media and takes a lot of pictures.

Teresa Boardman is a Realtor and broker/owner of Boardman Realty in St. Paul. She is also the founder of

Email Teresa Boardman.