The Re/Max franchise story is one of impressive growth and market dominance, from its beginnings in 1973 as a single-office brokerage in Denver to its stance as a world-renowned real estate brand. Led by CEO and co-founder Dave Liniger, the global network of agents and brokers is gathering in Las Vegas — and publisher Brad Inman will be there to learn how the real estate heavyweight has stayed on top for so long and what it’s planning for the future.
You can watch at a special Select Live event next Tuesday, March 1 at 3:30 p.m. PST/ 6:30 p.m. EST.
Segment 1: Dave Liniger’s Unfinished Business
Dave Liniger, CEO and Co-Founder
Segment 2: Can Re/Max Catch KW?
Geoff Lewis, President
Segment 3: Agent Training Needs of Tomorrow
Adam Contos, COO
Amy Somerville, VP Education and Training
Segment 4: How a Franchise Can Support Teams
Marti Hampton – Owner
Re/Max One Realty Raleigh, NC
Kim Piper – Broker/Owner
Re/Max Professionals, Greater Seattle
Segment 5: Broker Innovations, Culture and International Focus
Jimmy Dulin – Owner
Re/Max Ability Plus, Central Indiana
Antonio Aguirre – Broker/Owner
Re/Max Total, Argentina
Segment 6: Next Generation, Multi-Cultural and Niche Markets
Corey Carter – Broker/Owner
Re/Max Professionals Reno, NV
Luigui Corral – Owner
Re/Max United, Greater Chicago Area