
Podcast: 30 life lessons agents don’t have to learn the hard way (part 5)

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Life lessons are all around us. We start learning them at birth, and as we grow, that learning continues into our career. It’s our experience that makes us more valuable, productive and respected as we mature professionally.

Experience is the difference between a rookie and a seasoned vet — and if you pay attention to what those veterans tell you, you can jump to the top of your career without the painful lessons that others have had to endure.

Experienced professionals want to share what they’ve learned — it’s why there are so many self-improvement and business books on the market. You have to be willing to listen, though.

Today we’re continuing our discussion of 30 life lessons that you truly do not want to learn the hard way. We’ve learned them through personal experience and by working with countless thousands of agents. Tune in and learn what we have to share.


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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or schedule a free coaching call with them at

Email Tim Harris.