
Using Periscope to connect with your clients

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by technology, and social media in particular, you’re not alone. It’s hard to keep up with the latest innovations and trends. New apps are announced frequently and some aren’t worth your time, but Periscope is one you don’t want to pass up. It’s not just another photo sharing app or place to tell the world how you feel. Periscope truly is a game-changer and a secret weapon for real estate professionals.

Courtesy of Periscope

What is Periscope?

Periscope is a live streaming video app available on both iOS and Android devices. It was purchased by Twitter in March 2015 and connects to your Twitter account. Videos can be either public or semi-private and viewable only to certain users. Like other networks, you double tap to show so some love and a little heart appears to the broadcaster.

How is it different than other networks?

In just four months, Periscope hit the 10 million account mark. The app is unique in that is uses live video to connect users around the world. The primary focus here is on shared experiences and what is happening right now. Periscopers can share moments with other users through the click of a button. This is drastically different than other social networks which focus more on past experience (e.g. status updates and photos posted during or after an event). Instead, Periscope transports you to a new place to show you exactly what is happening right at that moment.

Another feature is the real-time feedback and ability to have conversations with users. Viewers of a broadcast can type in their questions and the broadcaster has the opportunity to answer them immediately.

Periscope is not your only live video streaming app choice, but the acquisition by Twitter makes it a strong contender. Periscope broadcasts are pushed to Twitter and the integration helps more viewers to find specific broadcasts.

How can I use Periscope to market listings?

Because Periscope is a newer social network, right now it’s all about experimenting to find out what works for you. However, like other social networks, the key to building an audience is to put out consistent, high-quality content. It’s especially useful for connecting with your clients and prospects and building new relationships. Periscope allows you to build your own community of loyal viewers. This community of people is more likely to work with you for their future real estate needs because they will already feel like they know you. Ready to get started?

Here are a few easy ways to use Periscope:

  1. Live broadcast a home you’ve just listed. Send out for the public to review or just to a select group of followers. Give an exclusive tour before anyone has seen the home.
  2. Sell a Los Angeles lifestyle. You live in one of the most iconic cities in the world, so sell it! Broadcast a day in L.A. Viewers around the world will be enticed to see what it’s like to live in L.A.
  3. Showcase a neighborhood or community. Like the point above, you can sell a specific community lifestyle and daily routine. Have a listing in Sherman Oaks? Broadcast the house and some of the local shops, markets, restaurants and attractions nearby.
  4. Live stream at an event. Whether you’re a host or the attendee, broadcast during an event. You can do this during an open house, at a seminar, or a charity outing.
  5. Take your audience on an adventure. Give your viewers exclusive access to you. This could be showing them your home, going for a walk around your neighborhood, stopping at your favorite boutique. Give viewers a behind the scenes view of your life in LA.
  6. Host a Q&A session specifically focused on moving to L.A. Los Angeles is a city filled with transplants, many who have no idea what it’s truly like to live in the City of Angels. Make a list of common questions transplants ask you and host a Q&A show.
  7. Create a regularly scheduled show on your thoughts on local issues. The key here is to not be too controversial, but to spend time discussing things happening around Los Angeles. This could include industry issues, new real estate developments and local events.
  8. Discuss why you love L.A. This could be a consistent series or just one show, but talk about why Los Angeles is an appealing place to live and work.
  9. Repurpose your content. Have content on your website or blog? Turn it into a live stream.

Lisa Schultz is a forward-thinking communicator and strategist who specializes in content marketing, social media, and public relations for real estate agents and brokerages. Connect with her on Twitter by following @prladylisa