
Podcast: Your 12-month lead generation plan: Part 2

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Your center of influence (COI) is tremendously important to your real estate business, and just like any of your lead-generation tools, it requires nurturing and maintenance to remain effective.

Ignore this at your own peril.

Unless you’re actively maintaining those personal relationships that produce the highest-quality leads for you, you risk losing one of your strongest channels for leads, listings, sales, and ultimately, income.

In today’s episode, we’re continuing our discussion about a step-by-step, 12-month lead-generation plan to help you maintain and effectively prospect your COI and past clients.

The rule of thumb is that 10 percent of your COI will be doing a transaction on any given year — so shouldn’t you be the agent handling those transactions?

Regular listeners know that we recommend having multiple spokes of business in your real estate business — and your center of influence is definitely one of the best.

It’s well worth the time, energy and attention that you might otherwise be tempted to put into marketing gimmicks that either don’t work or saturate quickly because all the other agents in your area are trying them.

Stick with what works, and visit Mojo Dialer, Happy Grasshopper and BombBomb, which are mentioned in today’s episode.


Subscribe to Tim and Julie Harris’ podcast on iTunes. To learn about the pre-listing package mentioned in today’s show, schedule a call with us.

Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or schedule a free coaching call with them at

Email Tim Harris.