
3 tips from top producers at the world’s biggest franchise

In part two of our Select Live event, “How Top Producers Tick,” real estate coaches Tim and Julie Harris moderated top producers Courtney Oldham, Wendy Papasan and Jean Shine, who will share details about their teams and disclose what keeps them at the top of the game.

1. “Every single month, I send out an email, and it always has value.”

Wendy Papasan of Papasan Properties Group talked about making sure that any email your network is getting from you always has a valuable takeaway — not just self-promotional information.

2. “Take something that’s natural for agents to do and put a system around it.”

Courtney Oldham of Oldham Group noted that agents are born talkers and connecters, but systems make all the difference when you’re trying to gain traction in a competitive industry.

3. “Find what you do best, and do that.”

Jean Shine of Shine Team Brokers talks about honest self-assessment and focusing your energy on the tasks that you do best — and delegating the rest.

Systems focus things and help agents put their energy in one direction.