
How do I choose among branding, marketing and public relations?

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We rely on professionals to tell us exactly what we need, whether it is a doctor, an attorney or a real estate agent. Professionals diagnose existing problems, then offer solutions based on their findings. The same is true when it comes to marketing agencies. Nowadays people think that they know what to do based on a few Google searches, but the result is that they draw conclusions that are incorrect.

What do I need?

We must trust the professional to avoid costly mistakes; a classic example is the private home seller who wants to use the Zestimate on Zillow to price their home. Real estate agents see this often and take the opportunity to educate the home seller rather than erroneously pricing his listing.

They have practical experience in the area and with the target audience, thus they know the trends and what buyers are looking for when buying a home. In that example, if a real estate agent chose to list the property at the client’s desired price, the home would be unlikely to sell, which would be a disservice to you and your client.

As marketers, we often experience a similar version of that situation. We try to educate our clients as much as possible because we understand that they lack the expertise that we have, and thus, it is more difficult for them to see what they need to do.

Before you schedule a meeting with your selected marketing firms, figure out your starting point:

You need a marketing strategy if:

A marketing strategy will dictate everything that will be done from the branding to the execution of your marketing.

You need branding if:

Despite popular belief, branding is more than just your logo. Your branding is the basis of your business’s personality, not just the visual aspects of it. If you have decided to take your business to the next level, you likely desire to start with your branding.

You need public relations if:

PR handles getting your message heard and works to position you as an expert in your industry.

You need marketing if:

Marketing is the act of promoting your brand and generating awareness for it. The goal of your marketing is to convert people into prospects and finally clients.

Although you might already be engaged in a few of these initiatives, you might be missing some of the most important strategies that will tie it all together. Before you meet with your prospective agency, make sure you are armed with the knowledge of precisely what you need. It is always important to know what your current marketing is lacking.

Laura Ure is the CEO of Keenability, a marketing agency specializing in lifestyle marketing that targets the affluent buyer. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter.

Email Laura Ure.