
Select Live speaker Ginger Wilcox shares how she gets (and stays) ahead in real estate

Next Wednesday, March 25, from 10 a.m. to noon PDT, Inman Select members will get exclusive access to the inaugural Select Live event — a live-stream conference that will feature some of the top minds in the industry sharing insights on market conditions, behaving like a leader, growing like a startup, authentic marketing, becoming as tech-savvy as your clients and learning how to digitally target your customers.

Ginger Wilcox

One of the speakers, Ginger Wilcox, is a startup veteran and a recognized leader in the real estate industry. As chief industry officer, she oversees Sindeo’s business verticals across real estate, financial services and nonprofit organizations. Prior to Sindeo, Ginger spent nearly four years at Trulia overseeing marketing and communications for its industry services division.

We asked Ginger three questions about how she’s getting (and staying) ahead in the business world:

1. What’s the one thing you’re doing this year to get and stay ahead?

I’m being very purposeful and deliberate about decision-making. In any business, there’s never a shortage of things to do, and it’s easy to fill time with work that doesn’t help us meet the end goal. Personal and professional resources are precious.

I’m being very deliberate and purposeful about how I do (or don’t) allocate my time and resources so I can beat very aggressive goals.

2. What one piece of advice has helped you get and stay ahead in your career?

Be fearless. The best life lessons come from making mistakes, but the biggest mistake you can make is to be afraid to try, be afraid to talk to someone or be afraid to fail. I often see people being held back because they are waiting for someone else. The question is, “What are you waiting for?”

When you’re fearless, you make your own luck instead of waiting for it. Take chances, attempt things other say you’ll never be able to do, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

3. What trend are you keeping an eye on for the coming year?

Mobile devices have now become the command center of our lives. We’re tracking our health, our communications, our finances, transportation and so much more. Nearly every part of lives runs through our phones in some way, yet I still see the industry fighting about placements on websites. That phase has passed and it’s time for the industry to adapt.

It’s not just about being on mobile — everyone needs to be thinking about how to enable better, simple, more personalized experiences that work together across all platforms. This is no longer revolutionary; it’s expected and demanded from our customers and clients.

Check out the full Select Live agenda; it’s included free with Inman Select membership. Learn more about the event and sign up online, then tune in next Wednesday, March 25, from 10 a.m. to noon PDT.