
2009 flashbacks, 2010 visions

Inman News is compiling reader commentary about the real estate highlights and lowlights in 2009, and is also gathering a list of hopes, fears, predictions and resolutions for the new year.

Pick one of the following topics to write about, and write no more than 250 words on the topic — you can send your response to, with a Dec. 18 deadline:

  • Tell us about your most memorable real estate experience in 2009 that best sums up/exemplifies the year for you.
  • Share your top real estate prediction for 2010.
  • What is your primary real estate resolution for the new year?
  • What is the top item on your real estate wish list for 2010?

Share your comments for a chance to win a free pass (available to new registrants only) to the upcoming Real Estate Connect conference in New York City, which runs from Jan. 13-15, 2010.


What’s your opinion? Leave your comments below or send a letter to the editor.