Q: We bought a Queen Anne Victorian 10 years ago, but have never used the chimneys because the chimney sweep said pigeons had been pecking at the mortar. There is no chimney liner. I have been up on the roof and see where some of the mortar is missing, and think I could easily fix that. I tore out the plaster on the first floor covering the chimney, thinking I might just be able to repair it from the outside, but it all looks pretty good.

We don’t have a lot of money, so I usually try to do things myself. I read somewhere that there was a special high-heat mortar that should be used, but I haven’t found a source for it. What would you suggest to make the chimney usable?

A: The heyday of the Queen Anne was the 1890s. It’s an architectural style characterized by pediments and porticos, dentil moldings and plenty of fancy trim known as gingerbread.

In those days, heat was provided by coal. Your fireplace is probably one of several "coal heaters" gracing your home. The firebox is shallow and the flue is narrow. Today, coal heating is out, but the firebox should support a small wood fire.

We’re not surprised that your fireplace is equipped with an unlined masonry chimney. Widespread use of flue liners did not occur until a couple of decades after the turn of the century. To make the chimney usable, we think you should get it inspected by a reputable chimney sweep and be prepared to bite the bullet and get a flue liner.

Pigeons pecking at the mortar is not a big problem. Unless these are real strange birds, the damage they’ve done is to the chimney cap or to the outside of the chimney. Your much larger problem could be on the inside of the chimney. While it’s a simple matter to repoint the exterior brick, failed mortar on the inside of the chimney is a fire hazard.

Finally, cast-in-place chimney liners are lightweight, concretelike products that are poured and formed inside a chimney. One method of installation is to pour heat-resistant concrete down a chimney and drag a form shaped like a metal bell up and out, forming a smooth, seamless, insulated passageway for flue gases to be vented to the outside. As an added bonus, this type of liner improves the structural integrity to aging chimneys.

For more information, we recommend the Web site of the Chimney Safety Institute of America at www.csia.org.


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