
‘Let’s not get fooled again’

Editor’s note: The following is a reader comment made on the Sept. 26 Inman News column, "Bailout incites ‘grassroots rage.’"

"I cannot help but wonder … is this a false alarm — ‘The sky is falling…the sky is falling’? People are hurting. They have lost their financial security, and that is terrible. I resist the urge to pull out my tiny violins at the plight of mega-business as I watch it crumble to the ground, exposing its thefts and secret deals that made it a mega-business at my expense. But I know that I have been on top in my life, and also have hit the bottom. And I still am here to talk about it. Regardless of my own rise and fall, nobody has yet figured out how to kick me off the planet. I’m guessing it’s the same for others.

"Markets will recover. And we do no favors to ourselves and our future to run around like Chicken Little, making big plans conceived in 15 minutes, whose effects will be felt for decades.

"Let us reason … let us think these things through, rather than give in to the pressure to produce a perfect solution in three days. What generally happens when salespeople sweat you for three hours — with a "once in a lifetime" deal — and you walk away? They call you back the next day, and miraculously, against all odds … they are ready to do "one better" than the deal they offered you yesterday. Let’s not get fooled again." –Jeri Creson


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