Prudential listings go to Cyberhomes, Google Base, Oodle
Citing their popularity with consumers, Prudential Real Estate Affiliates Inc. said it’s begun sending listings to Cyberhomes,, Google Base and Oodle, and will purchase display and banner ads on Cyberhomes and Oodle. Prudential Real Estate, which claims more than 2,100 franchise offices and 64,000 sales professionals, said it kicked off the new partnerships today by sending 140,000 for-sale property listings to the sites. Prudential said listings will appear on through Cyberhomes, which is providing value range estimates and property profiles at Prudential’s real estate search page. Prudential will continue sending listings to,,, Yahoo! Real Estate and

Estately moves into California cities
Real estate search site is expanding from western Oregon and Washington into California, and will provide property information in San Diego and Oakland. The site listed 107,555 properties for sale Thursday morning, but that number will jump "when we flip the switch" on San Diego today, founder Galen Ward told Inman News. The site is beta testing service for Oakland, Ward said. Seattle-based Estately, which launched as in 2006, expanded into Oregon in May (see story). The site currently lists as its top 10 cities as Portland, Seattle, San Diego, Vancouver, Tacoma, Oakland, Beaverton, Chula Vista, Eugene and Everett. Estately works on a referral basis, connecting consumers with real estate professionals at other brokerage companies and charging a 20 percent referral fee.


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