NAR counsel offers guidance on DOJ settlement agreement
Ralph Holmen, associate general counsel for the National Association of Realtors, provides some guidance to Realtors on issues in the proposed settlement agreement between the association and the U.S. Department of Justice, the Center for Realtor Technology Web Log reports.

The settlement agreement — to resolve an antitrust complaint over NAR policies relating to the online display and sharing of property listings information — notes that the settlement doesn’t affect Internet Data Exchange policies, as those were not the focus of the lawsuit. Holmen states that once the settlement becomes effective, any multiple listing service participant’s Web site that does not meet the new requirements for a Virtual Office Web site "is deemed to be an IDX site … that must comply with the IDX rules."

Holmen also states that there is confusion about when MLSs must adopt the new VOW rules. "The settlement is subject to a 90-day comment period" that is expected to begin soon. The court will likely make the settlement final in August, according to Holmen, and MLSs will have 90 days from the final judgment date to adopt the new VOW policy. MLS participants’ VOW sites must comply with the new VOW rules within 180 days of the date their MLSs adopt the new rules, according to the blog post.
CRT Web Log

Zillow sets Sellsius straight on missing addresses
David Gibbons, community relations director for real estate valuation and marketing site, comments in a blog post at Sellsius about why some for-sale properties displayed at the site lack addresses.

"In some parts of the country it’s common to advertise listings without publishing their addresses. I’m yet to hear a really good reason for it and it is certainly suboptimal marketing, but it’s the way that some brokerages choose to syndicate listings (to all sites, not just Zillow) and so we came up with this solution to be able to display these listings to buyers on Zillow," he said.


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