Q: Do houses have to have gutters all around the roof? Mine are always getting clogged. Any reason why I can’t remove the ones that aren’t over an entrance?

A: Houses don’t have to have gutters. But before you rip yours off, we suggest you think through the reasons for doing so and the alternatives we’re about to suggest. Simply having to clean clogged gutters every so often isn’t reason enough in our minds to tear them off.

Gutters are also known as troughs in some parts of the country. They serve an important purpose. With their accompanying downspouts they direct rainwater landing on the roof of a house away from its foundation. Gutters also keep water cascading off the roof over a doorway from landing on your head.

Rainwater landing next to the foundation can eventually find its way inside a basement or crawl space. The runoff creates a moist habitat ideal for the growth of mold and mildew. Worse yet, runoff can undermine the foundation.

We don’t recommend it, but, if you go gutterless, make sure there is another way to channel rainwater away from the foundation.

Kevin decided to go without gutters when we built his Idaho house. He lives in a semi-desert — average annual rainfall of about 11 inches. His house is surrounded by at least 3 feet of concrete sidewalk, which is sloped away from the house. Water is channeled away from the house and onto the grass. The roof is also pitched so that runoff does not discharge over doorways.

Might we suggest an alternative way to prevent leaves and other debris from clogging your gutters? Consider covering your gutters with one of a number of gutter-shield products available on the market.

The bottom line is that you are not required to have gutters. You can indeed remove them. But if you do, we strongly recommend you make sure you have enough hardscape around the house to channel the runoff away from the foundation. We think the better way is to install one of the gutter-shielding devices. That gives you the best of both worlds: adequate drainage and no leaves.


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