The following items are excerpted from blog posts.

Talk back to your e-mail

Reggie Nicolay reports that Jott for Blackberry is a "remarkable and accurate" tool for replying to e-mails using your voice. "I’ve been talking with real estate agents (and) I’m learning that many have not heard of this useful technology," Nicolay says. "That’s unfortunate because as a busy real estate agent you are probably sending many e-mails while out of the office and maybe even while you are on the road."


Video "soft pitch" showcases neighborhoods

Jeremy Rivera says he’s been looking for a way to use video on his Web site. Since he doesn’t have any listings at the moment, he did the "soft pitch of providing community information" and shot nine video shorts featuring neighborhood spots in his market, Riverside, Calif. Rivera used a still camera that can take 20-second video clips, and chose to host them. The "project is just in its early stages; as I continue to add more videos, we will see if it’s a successful adventure," Rivera writes.


Dems make political hay of housing, economy

Paul Jackson sees housing and mortgages taking center stage with other economic issues in the 2008 election, noting that Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., is using Friday’s unemployment numbers as ammunition for a $300 billion expansion of FHA loan guarantee programs the Bush administration has threatened to veto. "Democrats are increasingly putting their focus on economic issues, as it’s becoming clear that weakness in the economy helps their case for winning a White House bid in November; it’s a shifting focus that has Republican presidential hopeful John McCain’s strategic advisors running for cover," Jackson writes

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