Dear Barry,

The plywood siding on our house is rotted in many places. We’re planning to install vinyl siding over it, but we’ve got some questions that need answers before we go ahead. Our first concern is what to do with the existing siding. Removing it will involve a lot of extra work and expense. Should we do this or simply install the vinyl siding over it? If we leave the old siding, should we install some kind of wrap or vapor barrier? And if we leave the wood siding, should we scrape off the green mold that is visible in several places. Finally, what do you think of vinyl siding? –Mark

Dear Mark,

Before deciding whether to leave or remove the old siding, have the rotted material inspected by a licensed pest control operator to determine the type of fungus or mold that is present. It may be necessary to remove portions of the damaged wood to prevent further wood decay within the walls. But vinyl siding typically requires solid wood backing to prevent damage to the vinyl and to provide shear strength to the building.

Don’t assume that the green coloration on the wood siding is "mold." It may be common, harmless algae — something that often occurs on north facing walls or in places where yard sprinklers spray the siding.

As for a moisture barrier: The vinyl siding should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and in compliance with standards set forth by your local building department. Both will most likely require a moisture barrier. And be sure to acquire a permit so that the work will be inspected and approved by the building official.

Finally, make sure that you like vinyl siding before investing the time, effort and money. It may look good at first glance, but to many people it is regarded as somewhat "tacky" in appearance and flimsy to the touch. Vinyl siding could even be viewed as a less-than-desirable feature when you eventually sell the home.

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