It’s summer, and I’m a little bored, and frankly a little depressed because I had surgery just two weeks ago. I have two accepted offers and no contracts, and frankly no desire to work at all. I could shepherd those two offers into contract and call that a month’s work if I’m not careful.

So I was casting about for something to do, and I remember something I heard once (OK, many times) at Inman Connect.

It was that as agents, we need to measure our business.

Now the people in my firm who are real estate naturals — those born salesmen who take an hour of downtime as a wonderful excuse to bleach their teeth — don’t need metrics. They love meeting people, and they meet lots of them and get lots of leads, and how often they get leads and what percentage they close doesn’t really matter, because they close enough. If they measure anything it’s income, and that’s fine.

But what about the rest of us, those of us who enjoy real estate careers, but still find them "work" and not "play"? It truly makes sense for us to be smart about our businesses, because then we can work a little less and play Scrabulous a little more.

So I took it upon myself as a June project to write down what I did all day.

I’ll report back at the end of June, but here at the beginning I just want to point out the measurement effect: I’m already working harder and smarter. A few months ago I went to a nutritionist, who asked me to write down everything I ate. Though I ain’t never giving up cookies, the embarrassment factor made me skip a chocolate bar or two.


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