In today’s market, few buyers make contingency-free offers. A contingency is an event, like the buyer’s loan approval, that must be satisfied in order for the transaction to close.

The purchase contract should specify a deadline for contingency removal. The time period is negotiable; it’s whatever the buyers and sellers agree to. Sellers usually want as short a contingency period as possible so that they can make plans. Buyers, on the other hand, often want as much time as they can get to inspect the property, line up financing or sell another home.

Although sellers prefer short contingencies, it’s wise to agree to a realistic timeframe. Buyers who feel under pressure to perform more quickly than seems reasonable can get cold feet and back out.

The current credit crisis has extended the time it takes to fully approve a mortgage. Lenders require more documentation from buyers. In some cases, they want copies of W-2s and income tax returns sent directly from the IRS before they’ll grant final approval. This alone can add five days to the loan approval process. Sometimes the lenders’ underwriters request a second or review appraisal to validate that the buyers are not overpaying. This can also delay the process.

In some purchase contracts, the financing contingency doesn’t expire on a certain date, but is in force until the buyers’ lender funds the mortgage. Funding usually occurs at, or the day before, closing.

This can be problematic for sellers who won’t know for sure if their home is sold until it closes. Given the state of the current financing market, buyers and sellers often don’t know if the deal will close until the last minute regardless of a contingency deadline.

Sellers who are presented with an offer from a well-qualified buyer who needs the financing contingency to run until the loan is funded should request the right to stay in possession of the home for a time after closing. This way the sellers don’t have to move out in order to provide the house to the buyers at closing only to find out at the last minute that they need to move back in again because the deal didn’t close.

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